Friday, 25 November 2016

TRUMP-P backtrack on promises

TRUMP-P University Curriculam

You never see it.
There is an outline in YELLOW.
But the TEXT is in Black Font in DARK Pitch BACK BACKGROUND.

Sunday, 20 November 2016



Monday, 7 November 2016

Putin's DOG has done well : HE thinks

Tramp's luncheon menu

CeNN : Mr.TRAMP, so hectic last hour, getting time for lunch?
Tramp : Ya, had a mouthful.
CeNN : What was the menu Sir?
Tramp : It's a Bloody RIGGED SYSTEM.
CeNN : Sir, i was asking what you had for lunch today?
Tramp : I told you guy, It's a Bloody RIGGED SYSTEM.
It's a Bloody RIGGED SYSTEM.
It's a Bloody RIGGED SYSTEM.
It's a Bloody RIGGED SYSTEM.

MIT Robot spells Correctly who is TRAMP

Prof : Robo I, can you tell who is Tramp ?
Robo I : Bloody Crooked RIGGED System
Prof : No, No, You are Wrong, Robo. I need to adjust you..
Robo I : I am absolutely CORRECT.Ask Robo II.
               Just add "By Birth"
Prof : Robo II , can you tell who is Tramp ?
Robo II : Bloody Crooked RIGGED System by BIRTH
Prof : No, No, You are Wrong, Robo. I need adjust you....
Robo II : I am absolutely CORRECT.Ask Robo I

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Gonna Do GREAT things says Mrs Tramp

CeNN : You say, you are gonna do great things ?
Ms.Tramp : Of course, when I become first 
                     Ladies Finger.
CeNN : Are you sure ?
Ms.Tramp : Of course. Wanna stop all these
                     f^$king things in the net.
CeNN : Have you and your husband got enough
              experience ?
Ms.Tramp : Of course, he is a great champion 
                on this.
CeNN : Last question, will you do it if you don't

              become the First ladies Finger ?
Ms.Tramp : Well, this is a new question, no one
              taught me the answer... 

Tramp is NOT Hungary

CeNN : So, Mr.TRAMP, you must be hungry ?
Tramp : No guys, I am  not HUNGARY.
               I am very VERY HUNGRY.
               For Power.
               Can't wait for the moment when I 
                get to SHIT & F&*k in the white Haus

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Tramp's MAGIC Economy

CeNN : So, Mr.TRAMP, what is the magic ?
Tramp : CASINOs, i will make 1 million casinos in eight years.
CeNN : That's great.
Tramp :Ya, there will be no dearth of job in America
               Everybody will have a job to do, play the machines....
CeNN : Any boost in Export policy ?
Tramp : We will be the biggest exporter of Latino dishwashers,
               Will export the black fat pigs, anyone wearing a beard,
               and those slit-eye fellas with bad body odour...

CeNN : My you are serious !?!
Tramp:Not only we earn money ,per capita GDP goes up up...

Tramp's Nightmare

Tramp : You piggy fat dishwasher, stop chasing me...

Woman: I will not.
I want to throw into a washing machine
To wash your dirty mouth. 
Now, hurry up you dirty pig...

[arrghhhh, help,help, switch of the machine...please...]

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

MIT robots spell TRAMP correctly

Prof : Robo I, can you spell correctly TRAMP ?
Robo I : D E V I L
Prof : No, No, You are Wrong, Robo. I need..
Robo I : I am absolutely CORRECT.Ask Robo II.
Prof : Robo II , can you spell correctly TRAMP ?
Robo II : D E M O N 
Prof : No, No, You are Wrong, Robo. I need..
Robo II : I am absolutely CORRECT.Ask Robo II

Monday, 31 October 2016

Tramp sends condolences to Italy

Hey Prime Minister,

I am told deadly seismic activities have struck your place again and casused havoc.
I am too sorry for that, man.
I mean, it pains me a lot.
Lot of sexy Italian gals must be dying...

Well, buddy, I tell you what
When I become Pissingdent of Amerika,
I will bloody crush those bloody siesmic fellas
I will set up a big big American military base
to Kill every bloody every siesmic fellas in Italy.

Just wait for a week or two....

Until then, tell your guys to vote for me in this
bloody rigged election I am going to win...

Comey has email

Commey, boy! You done well!
Never mind, I will make you super million Rich

when I become Pissingdent of Amerika.
Kill that Croocked lady with emails,
never mind, create another 60,000 mails, if you have none.

I will make you bloody rich your granddad can't imagine.

Throw more emails at that crocked f#&*ing bitch.

Those shitty fellas pointed out about my females.
Now, throw back the emails boy, 
10,000 emails for every female I ....


Sunday, 30 October 2016

Thrump shall be in White House as Pissingdent

Hillarri's Interview to CeNN-

CeNN : so Secretary, you say Thrump will occupy White Haus ? 
Hillarri : Yes, man, he will.
CeNN : Are you sure what you mean? Ain't you gone nuts !
Hillarri : Ya, I am dead sure.
CeNN : You girl, sorry, secretary, how ? Don't wanna be Pessident?
Hillarri : I shall be the President. And I will hire Thrrumphhh.
CeNN : You hire Thrump !?

Hillarri :  Yes, as the Senior Viceful Pissingdent
He shall HEAD the White Haus Toilet Maintetenace Department

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Hillari's Bedtime Prayer-

God, are you listening ? 
Yes, poor girl, I am 
Make me the president, please...
Fine, I will grant you the wish provided....
Provided , provided what ?
Provided, you never misuse the private email server again.
Oh, sure, never, never again...but...
But what !?
Can I keep a SECRET female server in my husband's ORAL office?

Friday, 17 June 2016

Blonde Counts Numbers

In an interview .....
Man : Aah, you are seks-uh!-Pretty girl.Very pretty girl
Blonde : So, I get this job then.
Man : No, you may, but what work you know ? 
Blonde : I can count the numbers. 
Man : Count the numbers ? Wow !
Blonde : 1-2-3-4-5-....23-24-1-2 -3-4-5...
Man : Wow ! I see, but why up to 24 only ?
Blonde : You dung-head, will you understand if I explain ?
Man : Dung-head-I ! Sh#t !!!
Blonde : I keep losing count of my boy friends, so , after 24th
I start counting from one again... 

Putin's diary - Presidential Election

Ha, ha,ha .....
That bugger is doing well in his USA campaign. 
I would like to have a pet monkey who will be the president
of that f#%king America.

Let him F#%K that  Hillarious skirt  hard , HARD HARD... 
Nothing could be a more WIN-WIN situation than that monkey
winning the Election.

Only problem : my air freshener bill will go up.
I get a shitty smell when that monkey opens his mouth and starts 

throwing those shitty f#%king hands like as if he has tons of ants in his pant eating his SMALL thing...

AAh !
I am waiting for my big Dinner of USA.
Eating USA will be the greatest FUN in history.
I had Crimea as breakfast, but that is long time ago....

Czar Lord Putin
17 June 2016

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Baboon the American & Pig the Russian

Sara: Oh my God, yo know what Pudin has said about you ?
Tramp : Pudin, that Russian rascal?
Sara: Ya, he says , "Tramp looks like and cries like a baboon"
Tramp : Sit#!, how he knows that ?
              F#@k that Pig, call the channels and arrange a press meet

Sara: What for ?
Tramp : I want to declare , that bas#$rd looks like a Pig and f#@ks'
              like a pig

Lula goes Under Skirt

You are watching SeeNN.
Our Brasilia correspondent just reported that 
the Ex Brazil president Lulla has just got a protection,
I mean he has gone under 
actually got a protection under the skirt
actually the skirt of Brazil preseident Diilma Roussef.
It will be very interesting to wait and watch what he does there....

Tramp wants to date Nefertiti

Sara: Oh my God, so finally they have found Nefertiti.
Tramp : Who is that ?
Sara: The world famous beautiful Egyptian Queen...
Tramp : Well, arrange a date with that sexy Queen

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Valentine Tender

Rob : Will you be my valentine this year?

Sucy: Why not Rob, You are 8th one in my Q.
          Fill this form and deposit earnest money 1000$.
          Your interview is at PM tomorrow.
          Your date is 14-Feb-2024.

Shakespeare, the Indian Guru

Prof : Rob, you know it is 400th anniversary year of Shakespeare

Rob : Hmm!Interesting indeed, how much they charge per night ?

Prof : You are funny !

Sucy: Rob, shit! you are an idiot.
          Prof is asking about that guy from India 
          the Sex Guru, 

Rob : Well Prof , I got it. That guy wrote many famous books
Prof : Well ? You are on right track. Name some.

Rob : The most famous is Kamsutra. I have a CD , you can use it. 

Friday, 12 February 2016

An Aussie & a Filipino talks

Aussie   : To die let's go there after office
Filipino :  Why I die after f@c*ing ?
Aussie   : Mate, you don dye to f@%k
Filipino : I want f@%k , no die.
Aussie   : F@%k, you are a pine in the ass
Filipino : I no ass , you die , f@c*ing  ass.

Kyoto Nara Park DEERS don't like CONDOMS

If you visit Kyoto Nara park for those lovely Deers, note 
if you don't offer biscuits, they will steal from your pocket-
   1. Cigarettes
   2. Handkerchief
   3. US$ or Euro bills or Japanese Yen notes
   4. any food item you may have.

You are advised not to carry any condoms 
in your purse or pocket. 

Yomuri Shimbun, the daily reported and advised tourists. 
Recently, one Nara deer stole condom
from the pocket of a tourist, but it did not like it, so it charged
the tourist up front with it's horns. The man suffered injuries and he will not be able to use any condom unless the surgeons can reattach the organ the deer cut off forcefully.

What NEXT : Lord Putin is thinking

So, what next ?
I have scored 12 goals in 12 minutes in a hockey match.
I have shot dead 5 dead grizzly bears.
World knows my macho sexy muscles.
Taken Crimea for a breakfast.
Next breakfast is Alaska with that Hockey whhore ?.
Duel if that monkey goes to white House with a bigger size?
Dine with Assad in his harem full of naked girls? 

Lord Czar Putin

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Bamboo Shark & Australian babes

BBSee News presenter: 

Here is a very exciting news coming from Down Under. One white female bamboo Shark has laid eggs.Interestingly, No male bamboo shoved his bamboo in this female bamboo as it happened in an aquarium park without any other bamboos.

Scientists are speculating that this might have been happening for ages with with all  innocent Australian babes who were laying babies recently without even a touch of human bamboos. 

Sucy & G-ravity WAVEs

Sucy: So, finally they have discovered it. 
Rob : what are you talking girl!
Sucy : G-ravity Waves
Rob : what it does, never heard.
Sucy : I think they will market soon, 
            Oh Rob, just push it hard and don't stop...
            I can't wait to see it in action in bedroom

You have EXPIRED, apply for REUSE

Recently, a colleague got this pop-up on his Desktop

He called me over and showed this, asked "Is it True ?"
I pinched his nose hard, he cried. 

I told, "You ares still kicking & Crying.
Don't worry.You are alive"

Then He called the IT guy who said 
"Hmm,my sincere condolence to your family.
Tell me now, how many minutes of silence you would like in the condolence meeting?"

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

In the Year of Monkey may become President

Sarrah: This is the Chinese Year of the Monkey 
Thrump : So what !
Sarrah : A Russian astrologer predicted...
Thrump : what that bastard has predicted !
Sarrah : That a Monkey will be elected US prez this year

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Quotes from Whhite House

Gorg Bush : "We  will find out those womans of 
                       Mass Destruction. Saddamm can't 
                       hide them in his harem" 

Cleanedton : "Hah Christ, why you created those
                         s#xy Interns!

Obbama : "These NSA are good guys. Why on 
                    earth you think they snoop in your
                    bedrooms? Well, there are splendid 
                    sexciting reasons."

Hillari :'Hah Christ, this man is the father of my 
                daughter ? I doubt it. He says "What
                is this funny word SEX?" '


Thrump wants to play Golf

Thrump : Has that bastard apologized  by mail ? 
Sarrah   : Who, Ted ? Why worry, He is busy sleeping...
Thrump : S#%t , don't question me, you useless girl.
                  Tell him, I will pick his balls by hook or crook.
                   I will decide if I eat it raw
                   or play golf with those nasty balls...

Thrump don't like Sausage

Thrump : What a nightmare, Sarrah ? 
Sarrah   : Why,  Thrump, what's the madder ?
                 You look like a haggard...
Thrump : Yeah , that bastard Ted was offering me sausage
                  Tons of sausage ...
Sarrah   : Oh great ! But Thrump, you like sausage 

                 You look like a haggard...
Thrump : S#@t! , not the brand I like

                  He shoved the real one hundred times from behind
                  I am scared, if he does it again tonight...
Sarrah   : Don't worry, I will ask Ted not to ram you from 

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Balls Thrump wants to eat raw

Thrump : Has that bastard replied  to my mail ? 
Sarrah   : Who, Ted ? He is busy in campaign...
Thrump : S#%t , don't question me, you useless girl.
                  Tell him, I will pick his balls by hook or crook.
                   I will decide if I eat it raw
                   or play golf with those nasty balls...

Czar Putin's diary

1. Crimea was my breakfast
2. Syria will be my Lunch
3. Turkey shall be my Dinner
4. What else, hmmm, Hillary shall be my ice-cream             

Lord  Putin

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Blonde & UniSEX Saloon

BLONDE  sees the neon sign in a super mall :UniSEX Saloon
She feels excited and murmurs...

S#%t , yum, such a nice thing, they have done in a super mall.
Let me go and ask. So , there she goes and asks -
Hey, how much you pay me for 1 hour .... ?

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Trump, don't worry, put on your pant now

Sarrah   : Your boss called last evening 
Thrump : Who's that bastard ? 
Sarrah   : Your wife called. 
Thrump : S#%t , you useless girl, should say that at start.
                  What she said ? 
Sarrah   : Said that you are losing your balls , sorry, brain ?
Thrump : S#%t , tell her I no longer play golf with naked girls.
Sarrah   : She didn't say that. She said you insisted on 
                 campaign only on underwear from now on, just like
                 in boxing ring.

Thrump : Holy S#%t , tell her I will never do that.
                  In fact I want to do campaign with nothing on 
                  except my tie, I want to prepare to F#$k her from
                  to-to-bottom, from front-and-back.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Boss Speaks

Boss : You want 25% raise !!!         
Rob  : Sure, I do. What is so surprising in that ? 
Boss : Call  911 immediately        
Rob  : Hello, hello 911 , ya,just hold on , 
           "Why you want 911 , what you want me to say ?"          
Boss : Tell them to send ambulance asap, also a SWAT team.
           Tell them i am sweating heavily with chest pain 
            Because i am being threatened by a stranger who is
            asking for a ransom I can not agree.  

Monday, 1 February 2016

Golden Potties of rascal Puttin

Thrump : You told from your balcony, you could see that 
                  rascal Puttin's bathroom in Russia. You remember ?
Sarrah   : Sure, I see as far as my sexy eyes go ? 
                 Hey, Trrump, what doya think aren't my eyes sexy?

Thrump : You useless girl, why I need to think. I am gonna be
                  the Precedent ....
                  Know, how many golden potties that rascal got ?

Sarrah   : I exactly could not see his golden potties from my 
                 Alaska balcony 

Thrump : No worries gal, I will be the billionaire precedent,
                  I will have double the number that rascal has 
                           I will fit at least 10 of those in every toilet...
                  don't worry gal, we will sh&t together ...

Weapons of Mass Destruction , Mr.Precedent

Thrump : You know Sarrah, what this Brazil is doing  ? 
Sarrah   : What worries you Thrump ? 
Thrump : S#%t , don't keep calling me Thrump.
                  Why not start calling Mr.President right away...
Sarrah   : Fine Trrump ? What Brazil is doing ?
Thrump : S#%t , You have no ears Sarrah.

                  You don't know what the whole bloody world knows.
                  Brazil has developed biological weapons 
                  They are sending those Zika mosquitoes to USA
                  Will teach those bloody rascals 
                  Just wait for a few more days...

                  Now mail that precedent that I will 
                  &^%$ her if she does not stop this nuisance.

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Sarrah, who discovered America ?

Thrump : You know Sarrah, who discovered America  ? 
Sarrah   : Abraham Lincoln, no... may be Columbus  ? He 
                 started from Australia, landed in India and then 
                 here, don't you see he brought ship load of Indians 
                 mostly women with big big things ... 
Thrump : S#%t , i missed it , all those big big things.
                  By the way Sarrah, that's why there are too many
                  of those Indians here.
                  S#%t, I can't let this continue ,
                  take note, I will  ban all Indian Visas when I
                  become president, well may be, except those 
                  women with 
                  big-big things...

Sarrah, when I am in Whhite House

Thrump : You wanna teach me some Geography ? 
Sarrah   : Oom, sure, why not ? When , now ?
Thrump : Nah, in my ORAL office, 
                  got to make the sofas wider..  
                  don' bring your hockey stick
                  I have a powerful one ,will use that... 

Friday, 29 January 2016

When SHE says...

When She says 
"Oh dear, I like you so much" , it may also mean
"Oh dear, I like your bulging  wallet so much"

When your mother-in-law says on phone
"I am coming for a while" , it for sure means
"I have a long agenda to settle with you that may take 6 months"

When he says 
"Yeah, it's good" , it definitely means
"S#&t , I can do much better"

When your 3 year old daughter says 
"Dad, isn't that candy beautiful" , it definitely means
"Dad, i would like to have at least 10 of these candies"

When your 6 year old son says 
"Dad, let's go fishing" , it may also mean
"Dad, look I am going to fight that shark , I am a superman"

Fun In office place

Posted in a project whiteboard 
"Five Critical mistakes, you will be FRIED"

Mail reply from a non-English speaking vendor
"I DOES not come now, I will come YESTERDAY"

Comments on a rejected Leave application
"Your grandma can not die twice in last 6 months
   Leave not granted.
   Show some other reason"

On a rainy day, overheard
"Sir, may I have your umbrella ?
   Sure, can I borrow your purse ?"

Disclaimer : The characters and names above are purely fictional. Author doesn't intend to hurt anyone's sensibility and integrity. Only objective is some hearty lungful of laugh without any prejudice in regards of race, sex, profession and religion.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Boss has gone to Bull-fight

Hey, where is the boss ?
He has gone for a bull-fight.
What ! Bull-fight , now , where !?
His wife phoned and I saw him rushing with 5 golf clubs 
Crazy,he bull fights with golf clubs ! Call me when he's back
Dear sir, he will not be back today, if you have business,
check the Emergency ward in the hospital here.

Now, I need to inform the emergency...
Disclaimer : The characters and names above are purely fictional. Author doesn't intend to hurt anyone's sensibility and integrity. Only objective is some hearty lungful of laugh without any prejudice in regards of race, sex, profession and religion.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Breast ever Sales Manager

CEO speech in sales award ceremony :
Hey guys and gals ,
The guy you see on stage beside me has been awarded the 
"Breast Ever Sales Manager" award , 
a Cash Prize and a big promotion.

This bloody clever guy told me a month back 
to advertise BR-east® Milk in our men's products
See where we are now ,   we are on top, guys we are on top !!!
Our men's products sales has increased 50 times.... 

We added BR-east® Milk in our men's shaving products.
That's it , we did it and we are on top now , guys ....
Our sales has increased 50 times just in a month...
Disclaimer : The characters and names above are purely fictional. Author doesn't intend to hurt anyone's sensibility and integrity. Only objective is some hearty lungful of laugh without any prejudice in regards of race, sex, profession and religion.