Friday, 17 June 2016

Blonde Counts Numbers

In an interview .....
Man : Aah, you are seks-uh!-Pretty girl.Very pretty girl
Blonde : So, I get this job then.
Man : No, you may, but what work you know ? 
Blonde : I can count the numbers. 
Man : Count the numbers ? Wow !
Blonde : 1-2-3-4-5-....23-24-1-2 -3-4-5...
Man : Wow ! I see, but why up to 24 only ?
Blonde : You dung-head, will you understand if I explain ?
Man : Dung-head-I ! Sh#t !!!
Blonde : I keep losing count of my boy friends, so , after 24th
I start counting from one again... 

Putin's diary - Presidential Election

Ha, ha,ha .....
That bugger is doing well in his USA campaign. 
I would like to have a pet monkey who will be the president
of that f#%king America.

Let him F#%K that  Hillarious skirt  hard , HARD HARD... 
Nothing could be a more WIN-WIN situation than that monkey
winning the Election.

Only problem : my air freshener bill will go up.
I get a shitty smell when that monkey opens his mouth and starts 

throwing those shitty f#%king hands like as if he has tons of ants in his pant eating his SMALL thing...

AAh !
I am waiting for my big Dinner of USA.
Eating USA will be the greatest FUN in history.
I had Crimea as breakfast, but that is long time ago....

Czar Lord Putin
17 June 2016