Sara: Oh my God, yo know what Pudin has said about you ?
Tramp : Pudin, that Russian rascal?
Sara: Ya, he says , "Tramp looks like and cries like a baboon"
Tramp : Sit#!, how he knows that ?
F#@k that Pig, call the channels and arrange a press meet
Sara: What for ?
Tramp : I want to declare , that bas#$rd looks like a Pig and f#@ks'
like a pig
Tramp : Pudin, that Russian rascal?
Sara: Ya, he says , "Tramp looks like and cries like a baboon"
Tramp : Sit#!, how he knows that ?
F#@k that Pig, call the channels and arrange a press meet
Sara: What for ?
Tramp : I want to declare , that bas#$rd looks like a Pig and f#@ks'
like a pig